Vinyl Wrap
Care Instructions

Congratulations on your new vinyl wrap from Evolution Wraps! The wrap is designed to protect your vehicle's paintwork from common sun damage and provide a unique and custom look. To keep your wrap in optimal condition, please follow these important care instructions.


a) Hand Washing: We strongly recommend hand washing your vinyl-wrapped vehicle to maintain the integrity and longevity of your wrap. Use a soft, non-abrasive cloth or sponge along with a mild soapy water solution. Always rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues.

b) Avoid Drive-Through Car Washes: Automated car washes can damage your wrap due to their aggressive cleaning brushes and strong pressure jets. The heat and harsh chemicals used can also have a detrimental effect on the vinyl material.

c) High Pressure Washers: If you do use a pressure washer, ensure it's on a low pressure setting and the nozzle is kept at least 24 inches away from the vehicle. High pressure or close contact may cause the edges of the wrap to lift or become damaged.


Do not wax your vinyl wrap. Wax products could potentially dull the finish, and some solvents in certain waxes can harm the vinyl. Polishing is also not recommended as it can cause the vinyl to fade or become scratched.


To maintain the wrap's color quality, try to park your vehicle in a garage, shaded area, or use a car cover whenever possible. Prolonged exposure to sunlight and extreme weather conditions can cause the wrap to fade over time.


Clean up any petrol spills immediately. Petrol can dissolve the vinyl wrap adhesive if left in contact for too long. Wipe off the spill with a clean, damp, non-abrasive cloth and dry the area completely.


In case of minor damage to the vinyl wrap, such as scratches or chips, contact us immediately. Prompt attention to these issues can prevent further damage and keep your wrap looking great. Please remember, your vinyl wrap is designed to be removable, so if not treated properly, it can be damaged. Following these care guidelines will help prolong the life of your wrap and maintain its appearance.