Dealership Warning

While we recognize that routine maintenance and repairs at a dealership or other service centers are a necessary part of vehicle ownership, we advise our customers to take special caution regarding the care of their vinyl wrap in such situations. The following terms shall apply:


It is a common practice for dealerships and some service centers to offer complimentary car washes as a part of their service. However, these are typically automated car washes, which we strongly advise against for vehicles with vinyl wraps, as outlined in our Vinyl Wrap Care Instructions. Automated car washes can damage your wrap due to their aggressive cleaning brushes, strong pressure jets, and potentially harsh chemicals.


It is the responsibility of the Customer to inform the dealership or service center explicitly not to run their vehicle through an automated car wash. We recommend that you communicate this clearly and in writing (for example, on the service order) to ensure your instructions are followed.


Damage to the vinyl wrap due to disregard of these warnings and recommendations, or failure to inform service providers about the special care requirements of vinyl-wrapped vehicles, is not covered under our Warranty Agreement or Vehicle Damage Resolution Clause.

By choosing our services, the Customer agrees to the terms and conditions laid out in this Dealership Warning Clause. For any questions or further clarification, please contact our customer service department.